oh god. i never thought i would feel like this again. i still remember the morning i heard diana was dead like yesterday. she never released any records., and as far as i’m aware, she didn’t get totally wasted or do drugs or anything, but she died, and the media went mental, and we had to watch her holding aids babies and shit for ages.

but that was just the media
anyway, fast forward almost 20 loops around the sun. a couple of rock/pop stars die and suddenly everyone’s hanging out their flags like their best fuckin’ mate has died. it’s worse than diana, and there were only 5 channels on TV back then.
when jesus was on the cross some mormon dude asked him “if you could bring a future rock star back to life the way you did with those other dudes, who would it be?”
he never answered the question, and died shortly after.
it was worse than when princess diana died.

we have the bible and look were that got us. your little idols are dead, and you will be too one day, and not even jesus can get you out of that one.
“i love you all” – princess diana
“”i thought i cried, but i’d actually just wet myself” – secret shopper
“i’m pregnant” – princess diana
“there aren’t really any mines here are there?” – princess diana
“bring back….” – jesus (allegedly)