I’m so happy, I wish you could be me.


whilst many people at this time of the year are reflecting upon a lifetime of mistakes, lets try not to forget those hard working self deserving friends who’s lives are just so amazing it almost floods your lungs with tears of joy.


unlike the usual miserable social network dribble we have to sift through, these people brighten up our days to no end letting us all know how amazing their partners, jobs, family, pets etc are.


“so how can i be this happy” i hear you ask. well what are you asking us for? why not just ask your friends yourself. happy successful people who like to share their amazing happy lives on social networks just love imparting advice to those less fortunate. if you are too shy to ask, then why not just post this picture and let them come to you.


good luck, and remember life is what it is, not what you say it is.

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