they’re here

undercover muslim robots are now everywhere. they have taken over like in that movie invasion of the body snatchers. have a good look at your friends and family. if their eyes are glowing red and you can hear mechanical sounds as they move you need to kill them or get away fast. getting away fast is probably the safest option incase you’re just schizophrenic and they’re not robots at all.
this is ridiculous

it’s a good idea for a game though. rovio refused to comment, and we couldn’t think of anyone else to ask. “angry muslims” anyone?
many people don’t know quite what a suicide vest is. lose it clothing have just brought out a new range to help people learn. terrible murial.

if you think the baby one is a little distasteful(no sense of humour) they are also selling one for women. as far as we are aware, no suicide vests are available for men. someone needs to let the LGBT community know about this.
"" alt="suicide vest (ladies)" width="280" height="280" srcset=" 280w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 280px) 100vw, 280px" />